Speaker Signup
Individuals who wish to provide public comment or testimony to the Board at the designated time during a Board meeting must sign up in advance of the Board meeting by email, facsimile, or in-person at the GISD Administration building at 2337 N. Main, Giddings, TX.
Signup will open 72 hours prior to the posted start time of the meeting and close 4 hours prior to the posted start time of the meeting. When an individual signs up, the individual must indicate whether the comment pertains to an item on the Board agenda and, if so, which item or items.
An individual who will be accompanied by a translator must notify the District at the time of signup.
If an agenda item is continued or posted again for a meeting on a later date, individuals who wish to address the Board on the item must sign up separately for that later date.
Topic of Public Comment
At meetings other than regular Board meetings, public comments are limited to items on the posted meeting notice and agenda. At regular meetings, comments on other topics may be allowed as time permits. Public comments should be limited to topics relevant to District business.
Time for Public Comment
Generally, the Board will conduct public comment at the beginning of its Board meetings.
However, in the interest of time and the orderly conduct of public business, the Board reserves the right to:
Increase or decrease the per-speaker time limit to address the Board.
Move comment on non-agenda topics to the end of the meeting.
Take items in a different order than shown on the meeting notice
Proceed first with agenda items for which no speakers have registered to provide comment.
Recommend that comments involving the performance of individual District employees or officers be made through the grievance policy.
Require that comments involving personally identifiable student information be made through the grievance policy.
Continue a meeting or agenda item to another day in order to allow adequate time for public comment.
Make other reasonable adjustments to the timing of public comment in accordance with the law.
The Board delegates to it’s presiding officer the authority to make reasonable adjustments to the timing and conduct of public comment in accordance with law. [See Policy BDAA]
The presiding officer will announce these adjustments in an open meeting.
Per-Speaker Time Limit
A speaker will be given up to three (3) minutes to address the Board. If, however, the total number of speakers seeking to address the Board at a meeting exceeds ten (10), the per-speaker time limit may be reduced. In no event will a speaker be given less than one (1) minute to address the Board. A speaker who wishes to address multiple agenda items may be given one (1) minute as additional time to address the Board.
Written Comments to the Board
In lieu of or in addition to speaking at an open meeting, a member of the public may also submit written comments to the Board regarding District business as follows:
Facsimile: 979-542-9264
In-Person: Giddings Administration Building – 2337 N. Main Giddings, TX 78942
Written submissions to the Board are subject to public disclosure in accordance with the law.