In Giddings ISD, Federal Programs are a collaborative effort among various programs within the District. We strive toward the success and advancement of all students in GISD. We value the families and students in all our programs and promote the involvement of the family in the education of their children.
Program Goals:
To meet the unique needs for special student populations and their families
To provide staff development and training for staff working with special needs students
To provide the necessary resources and research for quality programs
Program Description:
ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) funding provides supplemental resources to basic programs to help schools with large numbers of students from low-income families, and provide high-quality education that will enable all children to meet the state’s student performance standards. Included under the ESSA law are programs such as: Title I, Title II, Title III, Title IV, Migrant, Homeless, Career and Technical Education, and Bilingual / ESL Education.
Eligibility Criteria:
The services are provided in designated schools. The low socioeconomic students and students scoring below expected levels on various assessments are given priority to services.
Services Offered:
Extended time, one-on-one tutorials, class reduction ratios, intensive instruction time, or other services as deemed appropriate.
Program Description:
Every Child Has a Right to an Education. The federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act and Texas state law protect the rights of homeless children and youth to receive a free and appropriate public education. Nearly everyone in Texas who is between the ages of 5 and 21 on September 1 of the school year and has not been expelled has the right to attend school, even if they:
Don't have a permanent address have a previous address in another town or state
Don't live with a parent or legal guardian
Live temporarily doubled-up with friends or family
Sleep in a shelter
Sleep in a campground; car; abandoned building; or other facility not designated for, or ordinarily used as regular accommodations for human beings
Don't have school records
For information regarding the services available through the McKinney Vento Homeless Education Program, or to inquire about ways to become involved, please contact:
Brandy Zingelmann, the Giddings ISD Homeless Liaison
P.O. Box 389
Giddings, Texas 78942
(979) 542-2854
One of the campus contacts:
Elementary - Katelyn Kieke, Counselor, 542-2886
Intermediate - Cody Urban, Counselor, 542-4403
Middle School - Brittany Bigham, Counselor, 542-2057
High School - Karen Gonzales or Ale Caldera, Counselors, 542-3351 or
Program Description:
The program objective is to ensure that Limited English Proficient students achieve and master the necessary skills in an Early Exit Program. The goal is to develop competent students who are lifelong learners and successful citizens in our multi-cultural society. Bilingual/ESL education emphasizes the mastery of English language skills and content area concepts, in order for students to be able to participate effectively in the regular education classroom.
Eligibility Criteria:
All students identified as (LEP) Limited English Proficient based on their home language and the results of an oral language proficiency test are placed into a Bilingual or ESL class upon parent approval.
Services Offered:
Bilingual Education is provided to eligible students in grades PK-5. In Bilingual Education, instruction is provided in the native language in order to build a solid foundation and transition to English. ESL (English as a Second Language) instruction is provided for eligible students in grades 6-12. Students receive services for support of their second language acquisition. In secondary ESL Programs , English instruction is provided to support the second language learner.
Program Description:
The purpose of the Migrant Education Program is to help migrant students overcome the challenges of mobility, cultural and language barriers, social isolations, and other difficulties associated with a migratory lifestyle in order to succeed in school, and to successfully transition to postsecondary education or employment. Students are eligible if: within the last three years you and /or your children have moved from one school district to another in Texas (or out of state) in order to seek/obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing related activities, such as:
Agriculture Farms, Ranches, Fields
Food Warehouses, Processing Plants, or Canneries
Poultry Farms
Fishing / Shrimping and Fish farms
Slaughter houses
Cultivating / Harvesting Trees
Other Agricultural related work
Services Offered:
Services for identified migrant children include tutorials, school supplies and other opportunities throughout the year.
In analyzing eligibility criteria, it helps to proceed with the understanding that all criteria must be met in order to identify and recruit a child as legally eligible for the Migrant Education Program. Eligibility criteria for migratory children can be described using five basic elements: WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHY, and WHERE.
Who? A child who is, or whose parent, spouse, or guardian, is a migratory agricultural worker, or migratory fisher;
What? Has moved;
When? Within the preceding 36 months;
Why? In order to obtain, or accompany such parent, spouse, or guardian in order to obtain, temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work that serves as a principal means of livelihood for the worker and his or her family;
Where? From one school district to another; or, in a state that is comprised of a single school district, has moved from one school administrative area to another within such district.
Please follow this link to view the many possible aspects of the Career and Technical Educational programs.
You may contact the High School counselor to discuss specific information about the courses that Giddings ISD has to offer at: 979-542-2854 xt 2906.